Air quality is a top of mind issue for any facility manager or home owner at any point in time but it’s taken on even more importance within the current environment. What if there was a technology that could accomplish the following:
-Eliminate airborne particulates
-Kill bacteria and viruses (including SARS-CoV-2)
-Provide potential energy savings of up to 30%
-Eradicate odors
The good news is that technology already exists! The Needlepoint Bi-Polar Ionization Systems from GPS (Global Plasma Solutions) can accomplish all of these things.
What Is Needlepoint Bi-Polar Ionization (NPBI)?
The NPBI technology works to safely clean the air inside commercial and residential buildings. It uses an electronic charge to create a plasma field filled with a high concentration of positive and negative ions. As these ions travel with the air stream they attach to particles, pathogens and gases. The ions help to agglomerate fine sub-micron particles, making them filterable. The ions attach to and kill pathogens along with breaking down harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds). The ions produced travel within the air stream into the occupied spaces, cleaning the air everywhere the ions travel, even in spaces unseen.
NPBI generates the same ions as Mother Nature creates with lightning, waterfalls, and ocean waves. Mother Nature uses energy to break apart molecules. It is nature’s way of cleansing the air naturally and creating a healthy environment. The only difference is that GPS’ technology does it without forming ozone or other harmful byproducts.
Energy Savings
The ionization air cleaning process allows commercial buildings to significantly reduce the amount of outdoor air required to operate. Cleaning and using the air already in the building eliminates the need to heat or cool the outside air as it is brought into the building. This equates to a safer, more comfortable environment that requires up to 30% less energy to condition. That means that this investment can more than pay for itself.
Pathogens Killed
During the GPS cleaning process the NPBI technology attacks and kills viruses, mold spores and bacteria. The ions steal away hydrogen from the pathogens, leaving them to die, and leaving you with clean and healthy indoor air. Pathogens that are affected include E. Coli, Staphylococcus, Legionella, Norovirus, SARS-CoV-2, Human Coronavirus and many more.
Particle Reduction
This ionization technology reduces airborne particles (i.e., dust, pet dander, pollen) through agglomeration. The ions attach to the airborne particles. The particles are subsequently attracted to one another, effectively increasing their size and mass. The air filtration system easily captures the larger particles, increasing the capture efficiency of your HVAC system.
Odor Neutralization
Just as with pathogens, during the NPBI cleaning process chemical, pet, cooking, and other odors are broken down into basic harmless compounds, leaving the indoor air fresh smelling and free of odor causing VOCs.
The NPBI technology from GPS can be sized to fit any space from single family homes to the largest commercial and industrial settings. Healthcare facilities, airports, schools, concert venues, municipalities, retail spaces and more have all utilized this technology to create safer, healthier, more energy efficient environments. The units can be installed in any existing system, they are self-cleaning and use minimal energy from the power source already present. Bartingale Mechanical has already installed NPBI units from GPS in our own office, many residential and a variety of larger buildings as well. Contact us for a quote to install your own system.